Wednesday, June 15, 2022

French Poly to Fiji 15 June 2022 - 2200 UTC / 1200 local

Position: 16 degrees 29 minutes South, 165 degrees 59 minutes West
Wind: 19 East South East
Speed over the ground: 8.6 knots
Sea: 1.5 metres
Distance towards Fiji: 165.37 in 24 hours

The lovely conditions continue, sometimes a little slower and sometimes a little faster, but over 24 hours we averaged 6.8 knots with no significant squalls, a glorious full moon overnight, venus looking like she's a spotlight in the sky and another stunning sunny day today. We are really into a pattern now and later today will reach the half way mark. We are expecting another two days of good wind and then perhaps things will get a little bit more challenging, depending on what happens with a low that is expected to develop out of the south pacific convergence zone. Currently the two most reliable weather prediction models are not in agreement, so Andrew (otherwise known as Bob Tibbs on Askari- referring to the weather routers some sailors use) is carefully monitoring but for now we will just make the best speed west we can. We are also expecting a very big southerly swell to appear - we are hoping that is very long period by the time it gets here.

It was curry night last night and there was so much it's on the menu again today but i made some mango chutney and will add some onion bhaji, to mix it up a little. The victoria sponge turned out more like a victoria brick, but it is still yummy.

In big news we adjusted the spinnaker pole today a little to improve the shape of the genoa. This is the first time we have touched the sails in almost two days.... we are really busy though - hmmm, well maybe not, but we are really enjoying this part of the passage.

We adjusted the time on board by an hour today to take into account the distance sailed west.

Distance to go approx 848.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great sail. While you have some time at sea, you'd better service those crab lines, they may be required by H&B when you get to Fiji... We are making some travel plans! xxx
